Office vs mobility

The next thing to consider is whether you need dedicated office space. In the past, most companies needed a dedicated and well-defined physical space to survive, but with the advent of modern technology, the idea of "office" in the classical sense of the term has become somewhat redundant.

By 2020, it is expected that almost 1.55 billion employees will have jobs for which it will not be necessary to stay in a permanent office. Newly established small companies need to provide employees with a flexible, independent and creative work environment to attract and retain the talents of the next generation of young people.


You could also work in a co-working space. This option offers more flexible and social work environments, private, shared and virtual space, as well as sophisticated meeting rooms and business networking applications. If your business can operate in one of these alternative environments, you can save a lot of time and money.


In addition, setting up a company may involve some degree of isolation. Using office space not only with your colleagues, but also with other business owners or entrepreneurs who share the same vision, can lead to building relationships, resulting in new ideas and even opportunities.




Complete cycle



What does green technology mean?

The concept of "green" is associated with several objectives: sustainability, compliance with the principles of the circular economy (recycling, reuse, reduction) and, above all, the protection, conservation and recovery of the environment and its resources. The field of "green technologies" comprises a group of techniques, materials, methods and research in constant evolution, from energy generation and the production of healthy food, to the creation of clean cleaning products. The current expectation is that this is one of the areas where major innovations are presented, whose applications will bring major changes in people's daily lives and that this will happen all over the world. The magnitude of the results of green technologies is often compared to the explosion of "information technologies" that the world has experienced in the last two decades, and although experts cannot predict what exactly will happen, they believe it will be positive for people and the environment.